Yesterday night i spent the night at Tors (or lily's) house, it was pretty fun.
First off, her mom picked me up (both picked me up) very nice lady. I get out, one of tor's friends want to play, from what i was told they have some syndrome (forgot the disorder) thats on the autusim spectrum and that makes them the friendliest person you will ever meet. We go to their house, and we "race" (since i don't know how to ride a bike i'm riding with tor.) Her friend goes to get a bike air pump (fills bike tire with air, forgot the name.) They get yelled at by their mom and he goes inside, then me and tor go back to her house. Next, I go into her basement (she molestes me) and we play Gran Turismo 5 (also played GT6) on her PS3 for a few hours, it was fun. (we both like playstation) After that we watched 22 Jump Street with her family, pretty funny movie lol. Then we go back downstairs (really her basement) and play GT6. (oh i get molested again. At 10:03ish we go for a Night Walk, something i really enjoy doing (parent's don't let me go outside at night), (no idea how to explain the feeling you get when you walk around at night, or drive on a empty highway at night. espically when your listening to ambient music.) err, we did stuff. (robbed a few banks, wandered around for a bit, killed people, basic stuff. a weird guy molested us too, stayed till around 10:40ish (we were supposed to be back by 10:30 so we ran back, then their mom proceded to shoot up the house in anger.) suprisingly the stars were clearly visible, something ive never seen before in this area. This is all you get to see:also on our way back right before we go inside, a car is moving backwards, headlights are on too, looks like no one is in the car but tor said there was someone in the car. the car stops right on the corner where our house is, really freaky experince. (could be one of the dead people we killed, dunno.) When we got inside, we were both cold (was like 28 out) so she both got us blankets, and she had the idea to make a website (we share it, just a shit website thats shit on purpose lol) (we also show eachother our music tastes, suprisingly she likes metal -- TOOL is the band she showed me and i just showed her Rob Dougan because i can't think of any other good songs other then electronic.) At around 1:30ish (1:34 am?) she goes to bed, so i just lay there for a few hours thinking on how i can't wait to do this again. her cat Helios (named after the sun) just is wanting attention, purring and whatnot. never had a cat do that before to me. In the morning (10:30ish) I wake up first, a while later she wakes up, we get back to playing GT6. about 10 min later we go and eat breakfast, Ommlett with Potatoes (air-fried potatoes) . I see a iPod Nano (4th Gen) and ask about it, her mom says "it won't charge". i ask if i can fix it, she says "sure". after breakfast we go back to playing GT6, about 10-15 min later it's time for me to leave and tor to go to rowing pratice. Tor leaves the house and I go after her, not much happened in the car, I arrive at my house, And that's that. (still have those scars from when she molested me in the basement) Overall, i had a really enjoyable experince and (of course) would love to sleepover again. even if we don't have anything planned.