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Rebuilding my Media Server

Because Debian's being a stupid bitch and running into network driver errors that i cannot fix, i'm reinstalling debian!.

boot into the installer, go through the installer. when you get to what software you wana select, DESELECT EVERYTHING EXECPT "standrd system utilities".

when setup finishes and asks where you wana install grub, select the drive that you installed debian to.

boot into debian, login and type "ip addr" take note of the IP address.

now, type "su" and enter in your username/pwd, we are becoming root.

now type "apt install sudo openssh-server htop" and press enter.

now after that, type "nano /etc/sudoers" and add this line under "allow all members of group sudo to execute any command"

crtl x + y to save and exit.

now go to your computer, open putty and SSH into your server via the IP address you got from the "ip addr" command.

you will know if it connects if you get this.

congrats! now you have setup a linux server.

now i gotta setup jellyfin.

didn't wana put too much effort into this. hence why there isn't that much effort put into this blog.